Maxima Grupė, which manages retail chains in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Bulgaria and Poland, took over – Barbora the largest e-commerce company in Lithuania, offering food and other products. The value of the transaction amounted to 1.4 million euros. Maxima Groupė acquired 100% shares of JSC Radas, which had owned 100% […]
E-commerce news
Uber drivers in Poland will start to provide courier services in the present half-year term, and by the end of the year they will start with delivery of meals from restaurants. The US startup has teamed up with one large Polish e-commerce company to deliver parcels. This will probably be […]
Until recently, the word “unicorn” has been referred only to a rare mythical animal. Now this word also determines startups, which are valued at over one billion dollars. On the market there are quite a few of them and they develop their ideas in various areas of life – from […]
The Polish market of startups becomes more and more notices and has a vision of going beyond its native backyard. The number of Polish startups situates itself at the level of 2.4 thousand of entities. Their activities are focused primarily on software production for mobile applications industry, e-commerce and online […]
According to unofficial information, the European Union intends to implement less restrictive provisions for the use of cookies by websites. In the future, these annoying requests for permission to use cookies will be replaced by proper settings in the user’s web browser. Information on these EU objectives has been provided […]