Turkey’s parliament passed a law increasing the powers of state to control the Internet. The new rules give it, among others, the right to block websites without judicial decision and the right to access browsing history of chosen citizens.
With the new regulations, the Turkish Telecommunication Authority will now be able to block a website without the court’s consent, if it considers that necessary for “national security, restoration of public order and crime prevention”.
The Turkish Telecommunication Authority will also have access to the history of online activity of selected persons.
The law still requires the signature of the President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The current Internet law in Turkey belongs to the most restrictive ones, anyway. On its basis there have been blocked thousands of websites from sites deemed conducive to the Kurdish separatists to gay men dating sites. In February there were introduced the first changes in the Internet regulations. Critics were then accusing the government led by Erdogan of trying to lock in this way corruption investigations against him and his ministers.