Hi everyone, sorry for being silent for a too long time. We were busy with some other things but now decided to get back to SEEMEA project and make it even better that it was. SEEMEA will continue to cover business and technology news from the region of Southern and […]
Only 19% of the American Internet users use it via their mobile phones – indicates the research firm comScore. In five Western European countries does it 29% of Internet users. Mobile internet is the most popular in Germany and Italy, were 34% of the Internet population in these countries uses […]
Turkey’s parliament passed a law increasing the powers of state to control the Internet. The new rules give it, among others, the right to block websites without judicial decision and the right to access browsing history of chosen citizens. With the new regulations, the Turkish Telecommunication Authority will now be […]
If the Poles were to choose only one medium of information and entertainment, 82% of them would choose the Internet. Only every 10th person would choose TV and 3,6% would choose the radio and 2,5% prefers the printed press. SW Research survey results indicate the respondents’ age does not significantly […]