You must have heard of the saying in the title. People have always wanted to share good thing with others, however, until the Internet came around, especially with the rise of social media, we could share our experiences only with the people in our immediate vicinity. Today we know the situation is […]

Taxify, the leading taxi booking application in Northern and Eastern Europe is launching in Belgrade. Taxify is an Estonian based fast-growing mobile app, which allows to book a licensed taxi at the push of a button. Since late 2013 Taxify has grown to 10 countries around the world and attracted […]

Warsaw Google campus will be designed for developers of technology start-ups. It is scheduled at the end of this year. The Campus is a perfect place for work and meetings for entrepreneurs. Headquarters will be located in the old factory of vodka. The history of the factory is very interesting, […]

Tomorrow on Tuesday, April 21, once again there will be updated the Google search algorithm. This time changes relate to how to display on mobile devices and the quality of search results on mobile devices. According to Zineb Ait Bahaji, a member of the Google Webmaster Trends team, changes that […]