Different vacancies in sales, marketing, finance, tech support, software development at a global mobile solutions company Infobip. Different locations. More details _______________ Prelovac Media, maker of ManageWP.com is looking for Senior Back-end Developer Senior Front-end Developer DevOps Place of work: Belgrade, Serbia ______________ Different openings at the leading mobile technology […]
We’ve placed events that we are aware in March. If you know some additional and it is related to technology and in SEEMEA region, feel free to let us know and we will include it. ArabNet – Beirut, Lebanon – 4-6 March 4th Annual Africa Banking & Finance Conference – Nairobi, […]
Google is a “household” name in CIS software on Andorid based devices. For the first time, it is receiving some intensive competition from a Russian based company Yandex. Yandex is launching a free alternative to Google’s firmware, and has already signed with Huawei and Explay. These devices are hitting the […]
Orange Telecom has completed the sale of the oldest Polish horizontal portal Wirtualna Polska (wp.pl). The final price amounted to 383 mln PLN. Meanwhile, one of the buyers, O2 Group (o2.pl), has sold 20% of its shares to the fund MCI Management. The combined O2/WP is now the biggest portal […]
PNB Awarded New Grant by Blackstone Charitable Foundation Recently Blackstone has dedicated a total of $1.6 million through their second annual grants Program that targets entrepreneurship and innovation entrepreneurship in areas hardest hit by the global economic crisis through many organizations like PNB. The Aspen Institute’s Partners for a New […]