IT companies operating on the Russian market have started to pay VAT on the sale of electronic services in the Federation since 1st of January 2017. The rate is 18%. The relevant law, called in Russia “Google tax” was signed by Vladimir Putin at the beginning of July 2016. The […]
The tax law has been developed by the Ministry of Economics in collaboration with Latvian startups, represented by Latvian Startup Association. According to the new legislation, a startup is a company with strong growth potential. The government aims to foster development of rapidly growing technological companies or startups and commercialization […]
Europe lacks programmers, especially IT industry lacks those professionals – the problem face both: highly developed countries and those, that are chasing the forefront. Struggle for professional programmers is a fact, and with time the problem will probably grow. Therefore, companies and countries are developing strategies to give these employees […]
Thousands of people protested in Budapest on Sunday against introduction of a tax on the Internet and data transfer planned by the government. Last Tuesday the economy minister Mihály Varga announced that the Internet providers will pay a tax on the transfer of Internet of their clients in the amount […]