Turkey’s parliament passed a law increasing the powers of state to control the Internet. The new rules give it, among others, the right to block websites without judicial decision and the right to access browsing history of chosen citizens. With the new regulations, the Turkish Telecommunication Authority will now be […]
In focus
In focus
If the Poles were to choose only one medium of information and entertainment,  82% of them would choose the Internet. Only every 10th person would choose TV and 3,6% would choose the radio and 2,5% prefers the printed press. SW Research survey results indicate the respondents’ age does not significantly […]
Coworking is a concept of working in an open office, developed in 2005 by Brad Neuberg. With the modern, faced paced, way of doing business more and more large companies implemented the principle of distance working for their employees. This allowed workers to work from homes, and while this has […]
The Arab Mobile App Challenge was held for the first time ever during January 2014. It gave the opportunity to everyone from Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Jordan, UAE or Qatar to take part and show of their skills in designing and developing new innovative mobile apps. More than 150 teams from […]
Virtual currency Bitcoin had its ups and downs since it was first created, but even when things started looking up financial and sustainability wise, Bitcoin faces another threat. It is being banned by more and more countries, claiming financial safety concerns. Face it or not, Bitcoin is probably here to […]